Early Mornings, Precious Gifts

I try to get up early each day and spend some time thinking and reading and praying and just being quiet. The Bible tells us that Jesus rose early and spent time alone with God his Father. If Jesus needed some time alone before he faced the day, I certainly do to.

Good Neighbors

I took my neighbor a couple of loaves of bread today. She brought her new-born daughter home from the hospital this afternoon. Before I could leave, my friend's mother offered me a tomato. I accepted with haste and great gratitude. She assumed I was a gardener and had homegrown tomatoes of my own. I am not a gardener and I do not have fresh tomatoes. She took me to her porch where dozens of fresh tomatoes lay. She carefully chose 10 large, beautiful tomatoes and gently placed them in a box for me. I offered to pay her for them. That was a foolish offer. Neighbors don't sell tomatoes they give them away. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)